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Chaos Boulevard

Real hackers

CINCINNATI (AP) - A woman accused of letting her three children live in squalor while she spent up to 12 hours a day on the Internet was put on probation Tuesday and ordered to take parenting classes. Sandra Hacker, who pleaded guilty to misdemeanor child endangering, was arrested june 14 in an apartment that officers said was strewn with broken glass and debris, with children's handprints in feces on the walls. But officers noticed that the area around the computer was clean.

Mrs. Hacker's husband, Alexander Hacker, who is divorcing her, told police that his wife spent up to 12 hours a day browsing the Internet. He complained that their children - ages 2, 3 and 5 - were not receiving proper care.

Mrs. Hacker's lawyer, john Burlew, acknowledged that she spent long hours on the Internet. But he noted that the complaint was made by her husband because of bitterness between the couple.

Appearing in Hamilton County Municipal Court, Mrs. Hacker was given a suspended six-month jail sentence, placed on probation for two years and ordered to pay $100 in court costs. She was also ordered to take the parenting classes.

Alexander Hacker could not be reached for comment Tuesday. There was no phone listing for him. He and the children have been living with his parents.

Real Dolls In A Virtual World

Question: Is this for real?!

REALDOLL is a real produet, NOT a hoax or prank.

Question: What if I don't fit with RealDoll's sex parts?

REALDOLLS vaginal and anal cavities are made snug to accommodate any insertion. The silicone flesh is soft, slippery, and very elastic. Any petroleum or water-based lubricants can be applied to ease entry REALDOLLs oral cavity contains soft silicone tongue and teeth. The oral cavity is as snug as the doll's other entries. All of REALDOLLs cavities allow deep insertions.

Question: Tell me more about RealDoll's "suction effect"

When penetrated, a vacuum is formed inside REALDOLLs entries which provides a powerful suction effect. This effect is strongest in REALDOLLs oral entry. Some of REALDOLLs users have reported intense orgasms due to this specific feature.

Question: Tell me more about the doll's Oral Entry option.

With the Oral Entry option, REALDOLLs mouth has a silicone tongue, soft silicone teeth, and a hinged jaw that opens and closes very realistically.

Question: Does the doll include any electronic features which enhance the pleasure experience such as a vibrating vagina?

REALDOLL does not have electronic features such as vibrators. There's a good reason for that: vibrators are not lifelike. We believe vibrators are used to enliven artificial-feeling vinyl love dolls, but this is not needed with REALDOLL. However, if you enjoy the added stimulation, REALDOLL does work well with such devices. You can use any sex toy imaginable with REALDOLL, and in a very realistic way. Her silicone flesh transfers vibration well.

Question: Can she support herself enough to do it "doggy" style?

REALDOLL can rest on her knees with her upper torso resting on a raised surface, such as a bed or chair.

Question: Tell me more about REALDOLLs breasts.

We use a special formulation of silicone which has a gelatinous consistency This special silicone gel is used inside REALDOLLs breasts to make thern look, feel, and bounce like real breasts.

Question: I want to bathe and shower with my doll. Is there anything I need to be careful about, like water temperature or duration?

Silicone rubber can withstand over 400 degrees of heat. You can soak REALDOLL in a scalding hot bath to give it lifelike body heat.

REALDOLLs silicone flesh retains heat very efficiently.

Question: Can water become trapped inside the doll?

No. REALDOLLs head and body are not hollow. REALDOLL is a SOLID love doll.

Question: Do you offer electronic or animatronic versions of REALDOLL

Not at this time, but we hope to offer such dolls in the future.

Question: What happens when "the honeymoon is over" and I feel that the doll is not for me and wish to return it?

Although we'd like to fully satisfy all our customers, our firm policy is: ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

RealDoll Home Page http://www.realdoll.com/


  [Chaos CD]
[Datenschleuder] [60]    Chaos Boulevard
[Gescannte Version] [ -- ] [ ++ ] [Suchen]